Opening a Plant in the United States: Tips for Manufacturing in America

In recent years, building an industrial plant or manufacturing unit in the United States is no longer an option reserved only for large companies. Manufacturing in the United States has become a strategic choice that requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the factors involved. In this article, we will look at the reasons why many companies are considering this option and the crucial steps to take to maximize their chances of success.

United States: A Stable and Pro Business Market

The United States remains a stable and growing market, known for its "pro business" attitude. This stability is especially evident when comparing to other market options such as Europe, China or Brazil. Choosing to open a manufacturing unit in America can offer significant advantages, but it is essential to take into consideration the specific needs of the sector and the "soft" decision-making factors.

Sectors with High Customs Duties

A special case concerns products subject to high import customs duties in the United States. These industrial sectors are limited, as customs duties are usually low. For example, footwear and clothing may have high duties, but the design and "made in Italy" remain irreplaceable. However, for products such as synthetic textile fibers, which are subject to high tariffs and require an intensive capital investment, opening production in the United States may be more sustainable.

Early Planning and Expert Consultants

Preparation is key. Before establishing the company in the United States, it is important to negotiate incentives with the states. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop a well-structured investment plan that takes into account both the industrial aspect and the employment level. Understanding the tax system, accounting, social security contributions, healthcare, insurance, environmental and workplace safety regulations is essential. It is critical to understand the differences between federal and state regulations.

Logistical and Legal Considerations

The location of the production plant must be carefully chosen, taking into account the proximity to the outlet markets and supply markets. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate whether there are enough specialized personnel in the area and whether the state of settlement offers incentives for training.

The legal and legal system of the United States is significantly different from that of Italy or Europe. Therefore, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the reasons behind this diversity of behavior of the American "homo economicus".

Visas and Insurance

Processing visas and work permits for the United States is a time-consuming process that must be addressed early. Opening a production plant does not automatically guarantee the right to work permits. The same goes for insurance, including medical, health, workers' compensation and others.

Trademark and Patent Protection

Brand and patent protection, together with the preparation of contracts, are fundamental steps to plan for the future. These activities will help protect your interests and ensure effective management of the company.

In conclusion, manufacturing in the United States can be an advantageous strategic choice for many global companies. However, it is crucial to approach each aspect carefully and plan ahead to maximize your chances of success. Thorough preparation, strategic approach and expert advice are keys to a smooth transition into the American market.

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